
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Don't "Thread" on Me...

Thread, the bain of my existence. I have so much of it. I have polyester thread, cotton thread. I have thread for piecing, and machine quilting and hand quilting. I have cones upon cones of serger thread. And please, don't even get me started on embroidery floss and pearl cotton. I have all the colors of the rainbow and than some. So, you would think that if I wanted to applique something I could just go in one of my many drawers of thread and pick one. Well, you would be wrong. I never, ever have the exact thread that I need. Naturally, I go and buy some more thread with every new project. If I continue like this, I will be buried by threads by the time this year is over.

If you read my last post, you saw that I am working on a color wise fairly simple project. I had only two threads that I could use in my stash, red embroidery floss that came from my mother-in-law and green pearl cotton. That's it. No yellow, or orange or blue. None. Sunday, right before the Super Bowl starts I will be zipping over to the store to buy some thread. People are buying beer, and chips, and dip, and I am buying thread. But, to my defense, it is a quilting emergency. Football game is long, and I need my thread to keep on appliqueing through out the game so I can keep my sanity. Happy quilting, and I am going to bed now, so I can be relaxed and refreshed for my thread shopping.

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